has revolutionized the home chore chart system. If your kids are giving you trouble when they ask you help out around the house, take a look at this.
The Neatlings chore chart uses chore cards to help kids know what they need to do every day, like brushing their teeth but also provides a system for them to earn rewards for doing extra chores around the house.
Do they want to play an extra 20 minutes of video games? Wash the dog!
Do they want to have a sleepover with friends? Clean the garage!
It’s a simple, but highly effective. Kids like structure, patterns. They don’t always show it, but it’s true. Dastardly little devils. Each chart works for multiple kids and you can purchase additional card sets if you need them. Not only that, but they won a Parent’s Choice award! They said:
“NEATLINGS Chore Chart accommodates 1-3 children, can be customized for each child while still managing all. The 76 illustrated chore cards include both household and self-care chores can work for non-readers too. After choosing which chore to assign to which child, parents identify chores as either “Responsibility” or a “Work For Tickets.” The message is clear: responsibility before reward. Families can assign the value of each ticket, as well as the number of tickets required for each reward. Our testers reported a range of success, and acknowledged that parent commitment was the determining factor. A learning experience all around. Families with more than one child’s chores to manage, and who prefer physical to digital organizers will get the most value from this set.”
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